Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15

Do you find that despite your best efforts this doesn't always happen... Life gets in the way, family gets in the way. There are many things that get in the way of us serving the Lord. We even sabotage ourselves in our serving of the Lord. Being apart of things gets in the way. While it is great to get involved in things of the Church, we forget, and lose the real reason for us being there - Worshiping, Fellowshipping, and Praising God. I have found myself as of late getting away from serving the Lord and in not serving him I find that I don't hear his voice as clear as I used to. I've wondered on a few occasions why it is that I've gotten away from him. I was listening to a Preacher's Sermon and the thing I realized was that when we think we can do it on our own we stop talking to God and rely on our own understanding of things... I have also noticed that when you are his, he makes it so that what used to work for you no longer works and you have to go back to him. Not necessarily crawling with your tail between your legs, but humbled and with the clear acknowledgment that he is Lord, ruler of all, and deserves undying loyalty from his people....

I am at the point of return.. Where are You?

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...