Sunday, May 26, 2013

Working to Change

We've been talking about change... Changing our thoughts, changing our way of thinking, changing the people who we hang out with etc... Stirring things up a bit. But change does not come about because we sit here and think about it...

Change comes about because we're willing to work. Our situation changes because we put in the work to change.... We sit back and complain about our jobs, yet while we have that stability what are we doing to get away from that job. I know I have fallen into that way of thinking.... I have sat there and said "I hate my job.. They are driving me nuts." Yet day in and day out, I get up, shower, get dressed, and go to work.... The job that after a while I hated... Why did I start to hate it? Because I didn't feel like I was being used in a manner in which I could be most effective. The thing I failed to realize is that how could I be used if all I did was my job description. How could I be used if with the little I had I was not willing to put in the extra work - regardless of whether or not there would be instant gratification. So I started putting in the extra work. I started going above and beyond - I started using my talents to get out of the shadows a bit. I started to put in the work...

Not only that but I started taking classes, and paying attention to how what I was learning in class could be applied to what was going on at work. I took notes, became observant. I started "working". In working, I also was able to open my thoughts and change my way of thinking. So when I decided to start looking for another job - I was able to better evaluate my skills and my talents to apply for things I knew I was a shoo-in for. Didn't get some of the things I applied for, but it allowed me to get in front of a different group of people. It allowed me to broaden my horizons, change my circle.... It also allowed me to be able to work in a manner in which it made me not hate my other job. It has made it fun again. It has also allowed me to keep in the fore-front the reason why I do what I do....

When the stability is there, you can do so much more. When you have stability, you can be more effective to those around you and to the Kingdom - God's Kingdom. Paul was able to make his money - build his stability off of building tents. He worked with his hands... Point blank - he worked.

It is in working that change happens. So the question becomes.. what work are you willing to do? What work are you willing to put in - not talking anything illegal.. but are you willing to work to change your circumstance...

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...