Monday, March 10, 2014

What are you going to do?

I found myself not being able to sleep. Many things are going through my mind.. It made me wonder why it is that the biggest challenges in life require the biggest amount of Faith. Why is it that when we are about to experience our greatest growth we have the most sleepless nights?

I've always wondered how Jesus did it. He walked the Earth with the idea in the back of his head that he was going to die. Yet he pressed forward. He pressed forward.. Maybe that is to be our inspiration.
Scratch that -> there's no maybe about it.. He is our example. He is to be our inspiration. He is to be our guide and our help.

I wonder why there is not more writings on Jesus' sleepless nights. Would it make him seem too human and not God-like if there was talk about his sleepless nights. If he is truly supposed to be our inspiration and example maybe there should be more talk on what made him like us.... How are we supposed to navigate this life...?

I guess there are other examples in the bible of humans and sleepless nights. I bet David went through many of them running from Saul. I bet Abraham went through many of them... I bet all of the people in the bible went through sleepless nights. The things that they all have in common is that while they had sleepless nights they had faith that everything would work out OK. While they had sleepless nights they still acted and carried out the directions that God gave them. They trusted in God and on his promises. Because they trusted him, they did epic things. David became king, Abraham became the father of many nations and there are many more stories of epic-ness in the bible that came about because of their Faith....

At the end of it all, it comes down to what are you going to do even with the sleep less nights... Are you going to act on the promises that God gave you or are you going to let the sleepless nights keep you from acting upon what has already been promised to you...

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...