Saturday, May 31, 2014

Something to think about...

Life has been so busy as of late that this has been on my mind for weeks but I've never had the time to write it until now.

I've mentioned it before, but for those of you who don't know, King David is my favorite person in the Bible.

I just love his story. By far, in my opinion, he is the most human of the characters. There aren't many characters whom we meet when they are younger and then are allowed to follow their path to Biblical greatness. Most of the characters in the Bible we meet when they are adults and know nothing of their lives before their encounters with God.

David's story is one of the most commonly known stories of the Bible. He was a Shepard boy, was anointed king, killed Goliath, ran from Saul, was friends with Johnathan, became king, and had a Son - Solomon....

Now Solomon's mother was Bathsheba. Bathsheba was Uriah's wife. David had Uriah killed and then married Bathsheba....

I say this to introduce my thought....

Why did David have Uriah killed? Why did David feel the need to end a man's life to be able to take a woman for his wife?

It's been said that David let lust drive him to do these things... But I believe that is only part of it. I believe that at this point in his life  he wanted something that he had gotten himself - not because he was king, and not because he was a man after God's own heart but because he wanted it....

This brings up the question are we supposed to do any and everything to get what we want? Are we supposed to: Not be in a place where we're supposed to be at, watching something in which we're not supposed to be watching, and have someone killed in order to obtain what is our heart's desires.. Even if it is only for a moment? Are we?

I also wonder why Bathsheba? What was so "special" about her that he had to have her? What was it about her that he was willing to risk a lot to have her?

Maybe ultimately all it came down to was David made a choice. A choice at the time he felt was a good decision..... even if it was only for a moment....

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...