Thursday, September 24, 2015

It was not a mistake.

I had this whole post written about changing your mindset etc... but you know  what,  I don't really feel that its authentic. It just seemed rushed and not thought out. I felt like it would have been a disservice.  I did not feel like it was my best work. It not being my best work is not giving God the glory he deserves. I read some where, probably Facebook, a quote that says Our talent is a gift from God, what we do with it is our gift back to him. I always want to be able to give him the best gift that I can possibly give. I always want to do my best.

It is in doing my best that my light shines and everyone else is given the chance to shine as well. My life has been a series of taking chances. While the phrase goes "taking chances and making mistakes", I don't make mistakes. I make choices. Every choice has led to today... It has led to this moment. It has led to who I am today and who I am becoming. Nothing is a mistake. It's all just experiences.

We have to come to a place where we can feel it in our souls the fact that nothing is ever a mistake. We have to understand that every moment is all a part of whatever journey we are on. If it helps you heal old wounds, if it helps you better understand a situation, why should it ever be viewed as a mistake?

Why should we feel like our ''bad" decisions are bad? What makes them bad? Maybe because we feel bad about the situation after the fact? But why do we feel bad? Are we letting other people dictate to us what we should be feeling? are we letting culture, tradition dictate to us how to feel, how to act, and how to be?

My challenge to you is to examine why you feel the way you do about life and most importantly your choices. This will help you in viewing your "mistakes" as experiences. Because you like me, don't make mistakes.

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...