Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Purpose Driven People

The most dangerous thing you can do is to live with purpose. Purpose scares people.  It scars people because you have a set thing in which you are trying to achieve. It's not only this achievement that scares people,  but it's the fact that you are being driven by something greater than you.  The person being driven by purpose recognizes that it's not anything tangible that they are striving for.  You cannot touch it and it defies all humanly logic. You don't take the job because you're making more money etc... You take the job understanding that you are supposed to be there for a time,  whatever that time is. You try to justify it using human logic,  but you know deep down that those reasons fall short.

People are scared of purpose driven people because you cannot deter them from their purpose.  People try their hardest to place purpose driven people into a box to understand them.  What they fail to realize is that a purpose driven person cannot be understood because in order to understand them you have to understand their purpose and who but the Creator knows the purpose  of the creation. You cannot ask a car what its purpose is, you have to ask the one who created it. 

People are scared of a purpose driven person because that person knows who they are.  They know that at the end of the day,  their power comes from the one who created their purpose.  It doesn't come from their accomplishments or their ability.  They understand that their purpose is divine. They understand that they will always be on the outside looking in. They understand that they will never fit in and they will be OK with that.  They will be of the world yet not apart of it. They will operate by a set of rules that defy human logic because they are operating based on the directives of the Creator for it is the Creator that knows the purpose of the creation.

I challenge you as we get closer to Christmas and the start of the new year to tap into the Creator to find what your purpose is. 

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...