Sunday, May 20, 2018


I was scolded today. The Lord brought something to my attention and it floored me in it's simplicity.

I was in the process of cutting off a potential romantic interest because of lack of communication. All of a sudden I hear a voice say "You can go days without speaking to your friends and loved ones and not think anything of it, what makes this any different?"

It got me to thinking. We can go days, weeks, months without talking to people and it won't be a big deal. We don't question if they love us. We don't question if they are still friends with us, so why is it any different with those relationships that we place romantic attachment too? What makes those relationships so different that we freak out if we haven't heard from them in a few minutes let alone a few hours or a few days? Why are we so quick to cut them lose and question the relationship when there is a lack of communication?

I believe the Lord was telling me that there is no difference. While we have gotten caught up in what each type means, there truly is no difference. I believe he was trying to tell me that we don't really need to talk someone all the time to be connected to them. That once they are placed in our lives for however long the Lord sees fit, we are connected to them whether we talk all day or once a week.

I believe the Lord was telling me that the same goes for him. While we are told we need to be in constant communication with him, there will be times in which we don't speak - for whatever reason. This does not mean we aren't still connected to him and that we should cut him loose.

My prayer for you today is that even in the silence, you feel honored, cherished, and loved by those connected to you.

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...