Monday, November 25, 2013

What can you handle?

We ask for deliverance... We ask to be blessed...We ask for God to show up on our behalf... Yet when we ask for this, we want things to happen instantly.. We want it to be a snap of the fingers and it is done...

How much do we appreciate things when we are handed them? How much do we appreciate things that haven't been worked for?

This is why I believe that there are situations in which we have to fight; Claw, tooth and nail in order to achieve things. While God may not "honor" works, he does put us thorough tests...

These tests ultimately put us through our paces. It shows to us whether or not we can handle the very thing in which we are asking God for.

We wouldn't be able to handle that which God is giving us without these trials...

I think of it this way -

Adam and Eve were given the garden of Eden... We see what happened there.....
David had to survive in the wilderness; Scrape and be resourceful before he became king. Yes, he did mess up, but he is recorded as being a great king.

God knew David could handle being hunted by Saul.. God knew that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego could handle being thrown in the fiery furnace. He knew that Daniel could handle being thrown in the Lion's den and he knew Paul could handle writing to the Corinthians, the Romans, the Galatians, the Hebrews as well as teaching Timothy...

There are many more examples throughout the bible in which people had to work for and go through tribulations that they thought they could not handle, yet God knew that they could not only handle it, but that they would ultimately give him the glory....

With this I say, revel in the tribulations. Learn what it is that you have to learn in your season.. You never know what God has in store for you.

Understand this God never gives us more than we can handle...

So my question to you is this... What can you handle?

Sunday, November 17, 2013


I was watching a movie today, and the main characters had so many things going on..
The thing that stuck out was that one of the main characters could not forgive.

It started to make me wonder - How many of the blessings in life do we block by being unforgiving?

The Our Father has a portion in it that says "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us".

Why would Jesus feel the need to put a line like that in what is to be our example of how to pray...?

It goes to show you the power of forgiveness.

We block what God can do for us by not forgiving those who have wronged us....

We block God, because we want from God what we are not willing to do in return....

God cannot move for us when we do not met him halfway. We meet him halfway by doing the very thing we ask of him - forgiving others the way we want to be forgiven...

My question to you is what doors in your life do you think will open up when you forgive everyone who has ever hurt you.....

What is your relationship?

This started off as one thing, but funny how that works.  I was sitting thinking of today. So a little back story, today in the Christian Ch...