Its interesting how Jesus Christ can humble himself, get lower than the Angels and become the seed of Abraham(Hebrews 2:16), and we think we don't have to.
In order to reach people we have to show them we can relate. Have you ever seen management that forgets they were once in that position? Its crazy how once we gain a bit of power we forget who we are. As Children of God, we should be following the example of Jesus Christ, and if no one wants to take heed to your words shake the dust of the town off your feet as you promptly exit it.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Where is your focus?
I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...
I'm going to be transparent. I lost my way. Like many of us we caught up in the everyday hustle - the grind and we forget. We forget who...
God always knows how to get our attention. The general consensus is that he shows up in the still moments. You know those - the ones where y...
This started off as one thing, but funny how that works. I was sitting thinking of today. So a little back story, today in the Christian Ch...