Sunday, January 13, 2013

Whats the Purpose?

We move through life doing the same thing day in and day out. We get caught up in an unending cycle that most people never get out of. Why is that? Why do we sit back and make plans for what we want to do without thinking of the purpose behind it?   
Part of the definition of success is the accomplishment of a purpose. A purpose.. Everything comes back to a purpose. We don't take the time to realized that the purpose of us working isn't to make a lot of money, it isn't to store up material things as they all will dissolve someday... No - the purpose of us working is to better society. Our purpose is to draw people to an enlightened mind in which they are realizing that their purpose is to make society a better place. For some the enlightenment comes from believing in a higher being from believing in something bigger than themselves. For others the enlightenment comes from realizing that they are not here just to work and then to die.... 
For those of us Christen believers, our purpose in all that we do should be to bring people closer to God. I know I'm probably guilty of not doing this as much as what I should be. You can't begin to  help others realize their purpose until you know yours.... Do you know yours? Can you say 100% that you know what you purpose is? We cannot think about our purpose, we have to be still in order to learn what it is. The moments when we have the most clarity is when we are sitting still. Still - with no distractions. But how many of us can "afford" to sit still... The better question is how many of us can afford not to sit still for a few moments everyday to tap into what our purpose is.. If Jesus had to spend time talking with God about things what makes you think we don't?

"And he withdrew himself and prayed." Matthew 5:16

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What are you doing?

Have you ever had a point where you just felt like... and you just can't place what the feeling is. Some people go through life never knowing what the feeling is. Some people are so in tuned with themselves that they know not only what the feeling is, but what is causing it. Sometimes, its just the fact that you're not doing what you thought you would be doing.. Sometimes it's it's knowing what you want and being told no a few times. Being told no sucks a bit and you never know if it's that you weren't ready or if they weren't ready for you. 

How do you know? How do you keep yourself from feeling like you're free falling without a parachute. How do you keep your spirits up? Well, I can give a suggestion. Feed your Spirit. When your Spirit is malnourished it manifests itself in many different forms and for everyone it's different. What is the same though is the feeling like nothing is working... Feed your Soul... Feed your Soul... Feed Your Soul.... Feed...Your....Soul....

Think I'm going to go get a "meal" myself.... Enjoy

"Man shall not live on bread alone".  Matthew 4:4

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...