Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What are you doing?

Have you ever had a point where you just felt like... and you just can't place what the feeling is. Some people go through life never knowing what the feeling is. Some people are so in tuned with themselves that they know not only what the feeling is, but what is causing it. Sometimes, its just the fact that you're not doing what you thought you would be doing.. Sometimes it's it's knowing what you want and being told no a few times. Being told no sucks a bit and you never know if it's that you weren't ready or if they weren't ready for you. 

How do you know? How do you keep yourself from feeling like you're free falling without a parachute. How do you keep your spirits up? Well, I can give a suggestion. Feed your Spirit. When your Spirit is malnourished it manifests itself in many different forms and for everyone it's different. What is the same though is the feeling like nothing is working... Feed your Soul... Feed your Soul... Feed Your Soul.... Feed...Your....Soul....

Think I'm going to go get a "meal" myself.... Enjoy

"Man shall not live on bread alone".  Matthew 4:4

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...