Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Funny thing about change

Change can be a scary thing. It can be the thing that totally makes or breaks us. It's how we adapt to change is what makes us the people that we are...

Funny thing about change though, it happens whether we want it to or not. It can either happen on our own accord or it can drag us kicking and screaming into the future. The thing I have learned is that when God needs to move us, to position us, change will drag us kicking and screaming. When it drags us kicking and screaming we can end up wounded, but the wounds heal. It may leave us with scars, but it is those scars that are our "badges". Those scars are proof that we have made it out and that we are/will be OK. 

Funny thing about change, it happens can happen unexpectedly. We don't always get a warning that we're going to be fired. We don't always get a warning that a friend is going to be sick. Life doesn't always warn us about the changes that are going to rock our very existence. Reminds me of the story of Joseph. He didn't know that he would be sold into slavery. Nor did he know that he would be hit on by a ranking officials wife and thrown in prison for 12 years... I believe that if he had known, he might have stayed away from his brothers. 

Funny thing about change, it has to happen. Things have to change in order for us to move, grow... learn. Change has to happen for us to walk out our purpose. People need to be removed from our lives. We need to be removed from theirs. We need to be exposed to different things in order to learn what we need to learn. I doubt that Joseph would have been in Egypt had it not been for him being sold into slavery. I doubt if he would have had the chance to interpret dreams had he not gotten out of his comfort zone. I doubt if he would have had the chance to become second in command in Egypt had change not happened. 

Funny thing about change.. It can be a scary thing that drags us kicking and screaming into the future; it can happen unexpectedly... But it has to happen in order for us to step into our purpose. Change has to happen in order for us to keep moving forward. 

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...