Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Where do you draw your strength?

There are those of us who have moments to draw strength from when things get dark. When the night seems the shortest, when everything goes wrong, we have personal experiences to draw our strength from. We've seen God move and work things out, but what about the people who have not seen God move... What about the people who don't know who he is... 

What do they have to draw on? Where is their faith? 

Do they place their faith in man, only to build up walls later on because so many people have left them who should have been with them through thick and thin? Do they place their faith in how much money they make.. only to have their world shattered when they lose that job or have to take a pay cut? Or do they place their faith in themselves, only to be limited by what they can do?

In your moment of utter chaos... Maybe not even utter chaos, but uncertainty.... Where do you go fro direction....? Where do you draw your strength?

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...