Saturday, August 17, 2013

Faith is our Currency

Faith is a funny thing.... We can lose it just as easy as we gain it. When things are going rough, our faith has a tendency to dissolve.... But what if, just what if, when we lose our faith when we stop believing that it's like shredding our paycheck. What if when we lose our faith, its like throwing a million dollars into the ocean?

Matthew 17:20 says that if we have faith like a mustard seed that we can say to the mountain move and it will move... Luke 17:6 says the same thing but with a sycamine tree instead of a mountain... What did Jesus mean by this? In Matthew 17 the apostles were trying to drive out a demon from a kid, however they could not. No one could figure out why... Jesus explained that they had no faith; because they had no faith, they could not drive the demon out. They didn't have enough currency.... 

Whenever we believe, it's like depositing money in the bank. The more we deposit, the more we have to draw on. When we believe something is going to happen, it does.. Not necessarily in the manner in which we want it to, but it does happen. We have to be careful not to hit a point where we're only living pay check to paycheck i.e. living off of God's grace. God's grace is sufficient yes, but after some point you get tired of living paycheck to paycheck. You get tired of just barely making it.. You get tired of not having any extra for rough times.... After a point, you get tired and your faith starts to waiver... When you don't have faith, you don't have currency and when you don't have currency you cannot "buy" anything. God's hands become tied because if you feel as if he can't do something or won't do something then he will not/cannot do the thing is which you need.... Not that he won't move - but that it makes it harder for him to move...

How much Currency do you have? Do you have some saved up or are you living paycheck to paycheck? 

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...