The reason why I was thinking about them was because of what happened later in the story when they had their encounter. His brothers did not know it was him. Many believe that it was because they thought he was dead. The revelation I received was that they never let him grow up. To them,except Benjamin, Joseph never stopped being the bratty little brother. He never stopped being the brother that said "I had a dream that there were 11 bushels of wheat in a circle bowing down to me." They did not allow for him to grow up, to change.
I came to this revelation a few days ago because I was thinking that there were things in my life that grew up with me, but then there are other things that either didn't because they weren't supposed to or I didn't allow them to. I think that is a mistake many of us make. When we don't let things grow. We get caught and our ideas on something become stale.
But why is that? Do we sit down one day and just decide not to let things change?
I found myself thinking this as I approached my 28th birthday.... I realized that there are a few things in my life that I either missed out on because I never let them grow up or that I got into because I was going on old information....
What about you? Are there things in your life you need to let grow up?