Tuesday, September 9, 2014


I found myself deep in thought the other day.. I was talking with a friend trying to decide what to do in a situation.. it occurred to me that both of us were afraid.. afraid to trust our instincts. It's funny how when you're a kid you have no problems following your heart, but as you get older it does become harder. Is it that we feel there is more to lose? What do we really have to lose though by not following our instincts?

This thought led me to the story of Paul (Saul). He wrote the majority of the books that have become the New Testament. How hard was it for him to follow his instincts? How hard was it for him to trust that he wasn't losing anything but gaining everything? I guess it was pretty hard. No one else that is in the bible was blinded by God. Some can argue that this was because he was persecuting God's people.. but I believe God had to get his attention. I believe that because Saul kept ignoring his instincts, that quiet voice, God had to appear in a grand way...

Have you ever noticed that in your life? Have you ever noticed when something is blaring and obvious?
Have you ever had a horse blinding moment?

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...