Friday, July 15, 2011

Trust-Letting it Go

Those of us that have been hurt, know that it's hard to trust. Whenever we see something that resembles the behavior of those who hurt us we shut down. Any little thing... We start to reveal what we only want people to see. Who we only want people to see. In all of it, in everything, we only show... only send our representative. It's said that when we have our first date with someone we send in our rep... But when does the rep go away? You would think after 20+ years of marriage that the person should feel like they can trust their spouse enough to bring out who they are, but they can't because they are still holding onto that hurt...

God teaches us that in order to become a new creature in him, we have to let go... I know that's easier said than done. Heck, there are things I still haven't let go, but I'm learning to. Letting go of past hurts and pains is the first step in being able to put away our representative. How do we get comfortable enough to let ourselves get over the hurt and pain? We have to get into a secret place with God. We have to tell him everything that is eating at us, why we feel the way we do etc... We have to start by opening up, by letting ourselves into the place that we have hidden away buried... We have to acknowledge the hurt, who hurt us, and why we felt hurt. When we take the time to go to God about it, he helps us to let it go, and when we let it go, it gives God the opportunity to restore the broken pieces of us back to better than who we were before the hurt. It's going to be an ongoing process, but at the end of it all, as God works on us, we can be that light in the world that God wants us to be. As God works on us, we walk away with a testimony. From our testimony, we teach.

Letting Go means learning to Trust that God has you in the palm of your hand....

"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength...." Isiah 40:31

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...