1 Samuel 17:38-39
...... And David said unto Saul: I cannot go with these for I have not proved them.....
When David got ready to fight Goliath, Saul tried to give David his armor. Saul's armor was made for him, designed for him, yet he tried to put it on David. It make you wonder because why was Saul trying to put something on David designed for him? Why was he trying to impose himself on David?
Have you ever seen this, someone putting their "armor" on someone else? Armour, not being the literal meaning, but armor being a way of thinking, hopes, and dreams. Saul at this time was King. He had had God's favor on him and could do wondrous things. When Goliath showed up, Saul had lost his anointing. It had been given to David, and with the new anointing came the new way of thinking; David understood that the old way of thinking didn't work and hadn't worked for some time. David understood that his protection came from God and he had this thought tested and proven to him ten-fold on many occasions. The armor, not so much. It had shown it's unreliability in the face of the toughest challenges. Because of this, he knew that the armor would not help him it would only hinder them, so he shed it.......
Now think about this... What armor do you need to shed or reject?
Where is your focus?
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