Saturday, March 17, 2012


Have you ever had a day when you know there were things to gt done and no matter how hard you try you can't get started?


Has there ever been a day when you start but don't know how to keep going?

It's funny because as I sit here and write this I feel myself answering yes to the second question. I always thought the hardest thing was getting started. Seems as if the the hardest part at times is staying started. Staying started on a task, on a path... Why does procrastination seem so appealing? What is it about putting things off to the last minute that has us so excited? Is it exciting to have to scramble to get things done or is it the idea of I can do it later..... and since I can do it later, I will do it later.

What happens when later comes? This is probably when we start scrambling....

Personally, to be honest, depending on the circumstance, I either answer number 2, number 1 or any of the other questions in the post. Later to me feels more appealing. I now have to get it done or suffer the consequences. But then I hate the consequences when they come up.. Guess you can't have it both ways...

It does make me wonder. I wonder what would happen if every starter of every religion put off until tomorrow what they could do today.... Would we have all the troubles that we are having?
Think about it, if they put off until tomorrow... There probably would be one less religion, one less belief for people to go to war over... One less....

Maybe that's just wishful thinking...

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...