Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Little Things in life

A clear min accomplishes much. We spend all of our time running. Running from left to right. Running around, doing stuff for other people. But when do we run to do things for ourselves? When do we take time to appreciate the little things in life? When do we take time to think about the things that we are running from. Silence is a deadly thing, but Loudness, excessive loudness is just as bad. Stopping to smell the roses is not a bad thing. It means that we are finally taking the time out to take care of ourselves.

My mind has been on a song lately: Leave This morning by Nappy Roots. It talks of how the group has to keep working to make money, to keep money and to stay relevant. There is this one part that sticks out.. The rapper says: I'm sorry there's hardly enough time for loving.. But baby the times coming... (2:05-2:09) Something as simple as spending time with our significant others and even our families get pushed to the back burner for the Grind...

I can say with the next few days- I'm going to enjoy the little things in life... Get my head clear to get back to the Grind. But this time... This time it's all for me. 

Check out the song here: Leave this Morning

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...