Thursday, November 29, 2012

Learning to wait - Patience

Sometimes you get started on things and it doesn't always pan out to finish them the way you started. This post has been trying to write itself for almost 2 weeks with no avail. Guess the timing wasn't right....

God puts us in situations to test where we are at that particular moment. It reminds me of my favorite story. The story is about a lump of clay that turns into a gorgeous teacup. Throughout the story, the clay complains about the heat from the stove, it complains about the fumes from the paint etc... But after going through all of that it finally looks in the mirror and sees what it has become. It's not by accident that that lump of clay became that teacup, but if the process had stopped at any point, the teacup would not have happened. This is where the patience comes in. We are positioned for where we need to be, when we need to be. Yes, our choices do play a part, but a very small part. All things are for the good of those who love the Lord. He can take a wrong choice and use it to helps us learn a lesson to get where we need to be to serve him and fulfill our purpose.

Be careful and mindful that you don't rush things. Just because you've been anointed King, doesn't mean you may not have to wait 40 years to assume the throne. The time between being assigned and fulfilling your assignment is the preparation time for your assignment. It is however, our responsibility to walk with and talk with God in the midst of it so we don't miss what it is we need to know.....

Take the time to learn all you can. Live like there's no tomorrow, and don't be afraid to hurry up and wait.

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...