Sunday, May 19, 2024

What is your relationship?

This started off as one thing, but funny how that works. 

I was sitting thinking of today. So a little back story, today in the Christian Church commemorates the receiving of the Holy Spriti by the Apostles. Today, if the celebration of Pentecost. 

Originally, we were going to talk about language because the people heard Peter talking to them in their own language. People were from all over and heard the message being delivered in their native tongue. But what did this mean? We've talked previously about God knowing you enough to meet you where you are. To speak to you in a way in which he knows he will get and keep your attention. He does this because he is in relationship with us. 

The Apostles were able to receive the Holy Spirit because of their relationship with Jesus. He promised that he would send to them a guide. He knew he could no longer walk the Earth but he didn't want to leave them in uncertainty. Let's face it, they were getting ready to embark on a life changing experience. Not only for themselves but for everyone connected to them and everyone connected to those who connected and so forth and so on. What would they have to draw strength from when things got rough? What would they have to guide them in times of uncertainty? That would be the Spirit. That would be their relationship. 

My prayer for you today is that I hope you find your Jesus. He's not lost, just waiting for you to get back in relationship with him.

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...