Thursday, May 16, 2024

Attention to detail

God always knows how to get our attention. The general consensus is that he shows up in the still moments. You know those - the ones where you're quiet enough to actually hear what he has to say. But there are those of us where quiet is an anomalie. So what happens then? 

God knows how to get pur attention. I was listening to music one day and I came across the song Grace by Taurean Wells and Rascal Flats. Now these are artists that I listen to separately so I am familiar with their individual work. Who knew in that moment that God was trying to get my attention?

There is a line in the chorus that says: "I didn't know I could be free until Grace found me." The song instantly became apart of my morning worship medley.

I believe in that moment and every time since that what God wanted to remind me of is his love for me...for us. He wanted me to to know that the minute I chose him for myself we were in relationship. He was reminding me that he has a relationship with me that shoukd be the foundation of all relationships. How he treats me is how I should see myself. I am his child. He is my father. He is proud of me even in my mess. He brags on me. He protects and provides for me. He chastises me when I need it. You see he does that for all of us who are in relationship with him. He provides us with his Grace and it is in his Grace that we are made free.

My prayer for you today is that you always see yourself how he sees you. You are awesome. You are amazing. Even in your mess, you are loved. He loves everything about you. He loves who you are and he just wants to have a relationship with you. 

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...