Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

People make New Year resolutions as a way of verbalizing the changes that they want to make for the new year. Many people say they want to lose weight or spend more time with their families. They say so many things that many keep but a vast majority do not keep ...

I was thinking of this the other day. I was thinking that for many New Year's Resolutions is sort of like their walk with Christ. They start off saying that they want a change.. They want things to be different, yet many do the same things with their walk that they do with their Resolutions... They try to change the thing without making it a lifestyle change. They try to cut corners. This is why for many they cannot keep their Resolution past the first week in January. This is why for many they get frustrated in their walk with Christ and give up...

In order to keep up our walk with Christ, we have to make it apart of our life. We have to incorporate it in everything that we do. We cannot just say I want to change... and not change how we do things.

The scripture that comes to  mind initially is Ephesians 4:23: And be renewed in the spirit of your mind. There are many other places that talk about renewing your mind - changing your way of doing things. The entire Bible itself is based on changing the way we do things. It is a clear example of what to do when one way is not working. It was no longer working for the people not to have a Messiah. The people, however, would never be able to accept a Messiah if they could not change how they thought the Messiah should be and how the Messiah should come. Many did miss out because they couldn't let go of how things had been done, but for those who were able to let go.. They got to experience a peace that had not been experienced before. This allowed for them to be able to continue their walk with the same enthusiasm in which they started out their walk with. This is the thing that allows us to continue in our walk with Christ.

Many of us make New Year's Resolutions without incorporating it into our everyday life. Many of us cannot keep our Resolutions past the first week in January. My challenge to you is to whatever you decide to make as your New Year's Resolution that you make it apart of your life. I challenge you not to cut corners,  but to have it be an active part of your life. I challenge you to do the same thing in your walk with Christ. I challenge you to make Matthew 6:33 not just words you repeat, but that you actually Seek ye first the kingdom of God.... When you seek him first, you change how you do things........

Have a Happy New Year, and let's work to make 2014 a year in which we do not cut corners. Let's make it a year in which we work on changing our minds...

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...