Sunday, December 15, 2013

What is my Motivation?

During the Christmas season, we walk around being nice to people who any other time we may ignore. Why do we do it? What is our motivation?

It makes me wonder at times because it questions our motive. Are we doing it because of the season or because it is genuinely in our hearts.

I bring this up because it ties into why we choose to be Christians - is it for the fame, wealth and/or riches that we think we are going to get or is it out of genuine love and curiosity that we choose to be Christians?

The story of Abraham comes to mind. He is told by God to pack up, leave everything behind, and move to a new land. The covenant that God makes with Abraham is that if he does this, he will be the Father of many nations. This does make you think that his motivation for following God was to have a son and that was his only motivation. After Abraham gets his son, God then tells him to kill him. Abraham, while it pained him, was willing to kill his son - the son that God had promised to him...

I believe that God did this to see where Abraham's heart was. Abraham showed that his heart was with God, not just because he had promised him a son, but because he genuinely loved God... He showed this by being willing to "kill" that which he had been praying and praising God for.

Is that us? Do we follow God because we love him? Or is our motivation less than pure?

My challenge to you during this holiday season is to examine why you are a Christian. Take a look at why you have chosen to follow God. Take stock of what your motivation is...

Ask yourself:  What my Motivation?

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...