Friday, October 14, 2016

How will history remember you?

When the Lord gets a hold of us, sometimes we just have to let him take us where he wants us to go. No, scratch that, all the time we need to let his take us where he wants us to go. I say this because we may have our plans, but, he has something far greater in mind for us than we could ever imagine.

How will history remember you?

We never see the full extent of our legacies. Generations upon generations upon generations see the magnitude of what we have done even if we cannot see it in the moment. You know, the things you consider ordinary in the moment or the things that you are begrudgingly doing. Yeah, those things. I can think of a few stories throughout the bible where the people in the moment did not know the impact their stories were going to have on future generations. I do not think the Hebrew boys - Hanania, Mishaek, and Azaria knew the significance they would have in history when they were thrown in the fiery furnace. Along the same lines, I do not think Daniel knew the significance of him being thrown in the lion's den. Nor did Moses when he struck the rock, or Joshua when he said "As for me and my house...." or John when he talked about Jesus' divinity or Ruth or Deborah or even Rahab for that matter.... I do not believe that these men and women knew that history would remember them as being great.

How will history remember you?

When the Lord gets a hold of us, we need to just let him take us where he wants us to go. Our past present and future are wrapped up with him. It is up to us to do what he instructs. It is up to us to do what he directs us to do..... Who knows how history will remember you because of it. 

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...