Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Silence is golden

I found myself in the silence of the middle of the night deep in thought. Now, this has not been a rare thing for me as of late. It seems as if it has been in the silence of the middle of the night where my mind has been the freest. What is it about quiet that liberates us? What is it about being able to remove ourselves from the noise of the everyday that allows us to really think? Why is it that people are afraid of silence? What makes silence so scary that we fill our lives to the brink with noise. Noise from family, noise from work, just noise.

We live our lives day to day running around not taking the time to just stop and enjoy the silence. We live our lives and spend our time in search of things to fill the void that the noise leaves when the noise leaves us that we don't take the time to just be. I mean how many of us could have survived 40 days in the desert or how many of us could have survived being away from the crowd where the only "living" soul for miles around was our Heavenly Father. (I realize the irony in "living").

As we embark on a New Year with new opportunities and new things to discover, we need to take time to figure out who we are without the noise.  We need the time to get away from the noise and figure out who we are at our very core. What would it be like if we all took the time to figure out at our core who we are? What would it be like if we in figuring out who we are, have a conversion and start a movement the way the early Christians did. What would it be like if like them, we knew who we were enough to be able to pass it on to those who needed to know of a better way... Truly what would it be like if..... I'll let you figure it out...

As for me, I am going to enjoy the silence that is the middle of the night... I don't know what I will find, but what I do know is that when the noise is gone, it is easier to hear from my creator. When the noise is gone, it is easier to hear from God and to know where he is leading me.

Happy New Year and here's to finding time to be noiseless. 

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...