Friday, September 18, 2020

God's timing

I was reminded of something this morning. God's timing is perfect in everything. When he puts things in motion nothing can stop it not even us. We may try to speed up the process because we don't understand the order of events, but whenever we rush things, whenever we try to do things our way or out of order, things go awry. 

Have you ever noticed that when God's hands aren't on something it is the hardest thing to get done? You drag your feet. You can't get to it. No, I'm not talking about the everyday stuff, I mean the things that are supposed to be these life changing, life altering things. Nothing works right. We end up placing time and emotion into things that are not for us.

We have to learn to trust in God's timing. There are things he may be saying we are not ready for. He could be telling us no because if he gave us what we were asking for we would destroy not only it but ourselves as well.  He also might be saying no because he has something better for us. He could also be saying yes, but.... The yes but is the story of King David, of Moses, of us. He tells each of us Yes, but.... 

My challenge to you today is to remember that To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1.)

My prayer for you today is: May the Lord bless you and keep you. May he always talk to you and keep you on track. May you always trust in his timing. May you have the strength to not move without confirmation from God that this is a Yes, because you are ready. - Amen.

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...