Saturday, April 26, 2008


Why is it that we don't understand what doesn't fit into our world? What does your experience mean? What ideas of your are fluid? What ideas/understanding of yours have you gotten from previous generations and you've held onto? What have you had to piece together on your own? Would you be willing to make trouble before it happens?

I ask these questions to try and get you to think about what it is that you know. We all fear change, even though some of us welcome it more readily then others. When we look at people, we make our judgements of them based on how they fit into our world. If they don't fit into our world, we're quick to deem them as non-important, or non-existent. How many times a day do we do that? How many time a day do we write people off because they don't fit into our already preconceived notion of what "X" should look like?

In looking at the goings on of the past few days, I have noticed that one of the things that America has passed down from generation to generation is the idea of race. Race basically controls everything in our day to day. Yet if you notice, there are people that don't fit into a certain race. Now I'm not just talking about being of more than one race but what I mean specifically is that they don't fit into the box of what and who that race is supposed to be. They are the "exceptions" to the rule. Does that mean that the idea of race is a fluid concept? Everything that seems to get put in the media is either biased or racial heavy. Just yesterday we got the verdict from the Sean Bell case. The cops had been acquitted. You know what I heard. I heard people saying that just because the guy was black meant that he wasn't getting a fair trial and that the outcome would be swayed in favor of the white man. Why is it that ideas like that even cross people's minds? Why can't it just be that the lawyers defending the young man that was killed, and the people who were injured that had been in the car with him, didn't do their jobs and prove beyond everything that the cops were at fault? Doesn't anybody think about that? And if it is so much about the injustices of race, why do people wait for something like this to happen before speaking up about the injustices....? Knowing that this is something that happens all too often... Would you be willing to stir up things... to start trouble before this even becomes a problem?

Where did you lose you?

I'm going to be transparent. I lost my way. Like many of us we caught up in the everyday hustle - the grind and we forget. We forget who...