Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)
Paul knew first hand about faith. Being knocked off his horse, blinded, and then told he had to meet this man of a way he had been persecuting so that he can get his sight back. Yeah, this is a true test of faith....
Paul had to go through that inorder for him to even begin to follow out Jesus' teachings. He was a Jew, born and raised, he didn't believe that Jesus is the Messiah and he was willing to take out anybody who believed he was. God already had his path marked out. Paul had a bullseye on his back. Now God had to put him in a position to completely rely on him in order for Paul to walk out God's plan.
Now Faith is the confidence or trust in a person or thing. How do we gain this confidence? We gain it by reading God's word and seeing how he operated in all of the lives of the biblical people. We gain it by constantly praying and worshipping God. We gain it by taking the time out to be filled with his Spirit so that it can teach us how to have absolute faith.
Have you ever seen a little child? They think their parents can do anything! We should be like that with God. He is our father and just because we may not be able to see anything that he does, he is doing it all. Who woke you up this morning? Who started you on your way? The father that we cannot see.
In conclusion faith is us relying on God to do what he does, cause best believe when we let God do what he does, he going to make it do what it do.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Where is your focus?
I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...
I'm going to be transparent. I lost my way. Like many of us we caught up in the everyday hustle - the grind and we forget. We forget who...
God always knows how to get our attention. The general consensus is that he shows up in the still moments. You know those - the ones where y...
This started off as one thing, but funny how that works. I was sitting thinking of today. So a little back story, today in the Christian Ch...