We take things for granted. Life, family, love... We even take for granted the right to certain freedoms we have, not realizing that at any given moment it could be taken away.
We are guaranteed to the right to a fair trial, and to the right to a trial by jury. The jury is supposed to be of our peers. But how do you explain a jury of perdominantly white people for a trial where the defendant is a black man accused of killing a white cop?
How do we justify killing a man without giving him the benefit of a doubt even though there were eye-witnesses that recanted their stories.... How do we justify not letting him get a re-trial? Is it because he's black? Is it because he's convicted of killing a cop?
Or do we just take for granted that our legal system isn't as corrupt as what it seems to be?
Where did you lose you?
I'm going to be transparent. I lost my way. Like many of us we caught up in the everyday hustle - the grind and we forget. We forget who...
I'm going to be transparent. I lost my way. Like many of us we caught up in the everyday hustle - the grind and we forget. We forget who...
God always knows how to get our attention. The general consensus is that he shows up in the still moments. You know those - the ones where y...
This started off as one thing, but funny how that works. I was sitting thinking of today. So a little back story, today in the Christian Ch...