Friday, July 24, 2015


Happy Summer everyone.

Yeah, I know. The last time we met was in January. Since then life has been a whirlwind, but things have settled back down a bit. I have missed writing. Every time I wanted to sit and pen something, it just never felt like the right time. Today felt right. It felt like it was time to get back to penning some thoughts. As I write this, my mom is snoring in the background and there is Country music on the T.V. It's funny how being in a place of peace can help bring you back.

Being home has always centered me in a way nothing else has. My home consists of NYC, Bronx, NY, and a house that has had the same phone number for almost 40 years. Home consists of family - my mom and my siblings that are no longer just a phone call/text message/face book post away, but who are now within walking/driving/ bus distance away. While the people change and grow, home still remains home.

At one point in history people never traveled more than 33 miles away from home. Now we can travel halfway around the world. Sometimes it's for leisure, sometimes it's for work/opportunity, sometimes it's just for adventure. No matter how far we go, we always have a place to come back to that is home.

I pray that in wherever life takes you, whatever you do that you have a place to call home. Now it may not be my definition of home, but it will do the same things for you that it does for me. It'll keep you grounded. It'll allow you to safely go exploring the world and your divine purpose.

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...