Sunday, May 15, 2011

Praise him.

This one is a bit personal, but someone, not sure who, is going to benefit from this....

Sometimes we feel like a piece of us is missing. Sometimes, it's the best part of us. Sometimes, it's the part of us that reminds us that the world is a good place. Sometimes it's the thing that reminds us to always reach higher. Reach higher than just what it seems like we are reaching for.

When that piece is missing, we have a tendency to go inside ourselves. Ourselves during grief can be a dark place, and if we let it engulf us, it can take us into a really dark place. At this time, when it happens, we can retreat. Actually we need to retreat because we need time to handle our grief. In our retreat though, we are not to be alone. We are to take our bible with us, our praise and worship music, and just praise God. Praise him for everything that we are doing now. Praise him for everything that is going on in our life. Praise him for the good times, and praise him for being able to go through the grief that we are going through because it helps keep us humble, it helps to show us our mortality, it helps to keep us in the palm of his hands... For it is when we are at our lowest that he can show who he is in our life, and through us...

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...