Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wow! It's been a while... 2 1/2 years... In that time a lot has happened... My world has been turned upside down, flipped around, and just altered.... But through it all, I haven't lost sight of the most important thing. That I walk with a good God, a great God, and an awesome God....

I'm back to writing, and hopefully we'll keep this updated on a regular basis. So let's continue this walk together. Time to start walking.

We wonder sometimes why it is that when things are going on around us we are spared from it. Have you ever been in a situation where you know you should not have walked away from it, yet you did. You might have been bruised a little bit, but that bruise didn't kill you. There are many situations that have happened like that. I want to talk about a man named Moses.

Moses when he was born, was sentenced to death. At the time of his birth, a decree had gone out from Pharaoh to have all of the male Hebrew babies killed because the Hebrew slaves talked of a deliverer, for they were in bondage. Moses could have died, he could have been killed, but he was placed in a basket. The basket was placed in the river, and Pharaoh's daughter found him. He was bruised a bit, because he grew up not knowing who his family was or where he came from, but he was spared. As the rest of the story goes, he freed the Hebrews from Pharaoh's son, they wandered the dessert, and their children got to enter the promise land. Why their children.... That's a topic for another day.....

We are spared for a reason. It's always a reason... It's our goal to find out what that reason is, and as we find out what that reason is, we find out who we are. In finding out who we are we get closer to God. Until it hits a point where we are relying on him for everything... Who else but God answers when we call, is always there for us? He may not show up when we want him, but he is always there when you need him....

SO why have you been spared?

Where is your focus?

 I was praying this morning asking for guidance and direction when I opened the Bible to see the scripture of the day. Isaiah 26:3 in the Am...